
We have many Years of Experience

We deliver nationwide from Vom Jos, Plateau state. 
Delivery is within 2days and the installer comes with the delivery agent. 
50% upfront to the management settles the booking, waybill and installation charges.  
Thanks for your patronage!

In order not to overuse and overheat the generator, it's advised to be used within 20hours per day as to enable long lasting.

24/7 Customers Care Support

Skilled | Professional Installers

2 Years Guarantee

Deliver Nationwide

We Install And Maintain

About Ecotech Generators

This fueless generator is a new source of power that is completely safe, free and efficient, the durability and design is top notch.
This generator unlike every other generator doesn't have an engine which consumes fuel/diesel and makes noise with smokes.
Instead of an engine, it has a DC motor which is powered by 1000Amps motor battery with an alternator and recharges itself as it's operating and it does not smoke too. 
This generator generates power with which you can use in your home, manufacturing agencies, office or shops etc. 

You can use the following gadgets: Air conditioners, refrigerator, Electric cooker, Microwave oven, TVs etc and other regular home appliances or the Equivalent.

Clients Testimonial



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